Moriba talking about Alaska (interview regarding his inspiration for becoming a Space Environmentalist)

Moriba General info about Mars (interview to figure out what's real vs sci-fi related to Mars)

Di'ne - Navajo Culture (interview with Chile)

National Geographic (interview w Nat Geo Explorers Imi and Heather)

Proposed 18th United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Info

#SpaceWatchGL Opinion: A Smarter SDG 18 - SpaceWatch.Global

Below you will find visualizations of space satellites and how they move around the planet. These data visualizations help us, scientists, further understand the threats of space debris. Ever since Starlink was implemented the threats have heightened! Why are we sharing this with you? When writing the narrative we need to translate this complicating data that scientists use into virtualization that your everyday user will be able to understand.


Conjunction Streaming Service (Demo)

Watch the video at the end of the page below! You will be able to see Moriba and other experts talk about topics of relevance to space safety, security, and sustainability.

Space Café Recap "Moriba's Vox Populi #01/2020" on issues of the dark sky

Take a look at Moriba Jah Senate Testimony below